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Privacy Policy

Data Protection and Privacy Policy

Data protection is a matter of trust and we would like to reassure you that your data are in good hands with us. The protection and legally compliant collection, processing and use of your data is an important matter to us, so that your privacy is respected.

To make you feel safe when visiting the EUMOSA online shop, this Data Protection and Privacy Policy will inform you about: 

what data we collect when you use the EUMOSA online shop;

the purpose for which we collect your data;

your rights and settings options, in particular how you can object to your data being processed and how you can withdraw any consents you may have given.

1. Which company is responsible for the EUMOSA online shop?

The controller responsible for processing your data in terms of the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) when you use the EUMOSA online shop is


Wijkersloot 24, 3945LE, Cothen, the Netherlands

Therefore, “we,” “us,” or “EUMOSA” as used hereinafter shall mean EUBRANCH as the operator of the EUMOSA online shop. For further details about our company and contact details, please refer to our legal details.

You can reach our data protection officer at or at our above-mentioned postal address by adding “For the attention of the Data Protection Officer.”

2. What data we collect

2.1 When you visit our website

You can visit the EUMOSA online shop without providing information about yourself. In that case, we will collect the technical access data that your browser will transmit automatically to our server when you browse our websites. Access data include the following information, in particular:

Time and date of access

Address of the accessed website and of the accessing website 

Content of the Request (addresses and names of the requested files)

Information on the browser and operating system used (versions, language settings)

Online identification data (e.g. IP address, device identification, session IDs)

Error messages, where applicable (if the requested content cannot be displayed)

Last visited page from where you were redirected to a page of the EUMOSA online shop via a link

When visiting our website, your access data will be automatically stored in our server's log files and subsequently anonymized by abbreviating or deleting your IP address. It will then no longer be possible to draw conclusions as to your person based on the server log files.

Moreover, when you visit the EUMOSA online shop we will also collect such data that you provide directly by using the functions provided. We will, for example, learn about the products that you are interested in when you put an item on the wish list or use the search function. 

2.2 Cookies

We use cookies in the EUMOSA online shop. Such cookies may be EUMOSA cookies or third-party cookies. A cookie is a standardized text file that is kept on your computer by your web browser for a period of time as predefined by the respective provider. Cookies enable us to locally store information such as language settings, shopping cart contents and temporary identification features that may be called up during subsequent website visits in order to reload the respective settings. You can review and delete the cookies used in the security settings of your browser. You can configure your browser settings according to your preferences and, for example, refuse to accept third-party cookies or any cookies. Please note that in this case you may not be able to use all features of our website.

Our own EUMOSA cookies are meant to make your website visit more user-friendly and safer.

We use third-party cookies for web analyses and advertising purposes. For more detailed information please refer to sections 6 and 7 in this Data Protection and Privacy Policy. 

2.3 When you register for a EUMOSA account

Of course, you do not have to create a personal EUMOSA account but can shop as a guest in our EUMOSA online shop. However, registration with our online shop can make future shopping with us easier and provide a more customized, simpler shopping experience. For example, your address data, payment methods, and delivery service provider are pre-selected for your next order. For example, we can store the data related to your account (e.g. order data and wish lists contents as well as the products you have viewed) in our customer database and use such connected data to show you personalized product recommendations and more relevant search results that are geared towards your former shopping interests.

If you register for a EUMOSA account, we will provide you with direct password protected access to your master data (e.g. EUMOSA customer number, name, address, date of birth, telephone number, e-mail address, payment data), order data (ordered products, item numbers, size information), and other information (e.g. wish list products) stored by us. Normally, any mandatory information required for registration is marked separately, e.g. with an asterisk (“*”). If we are asking for optional information, we will inform you about why we are collecting such information. For security reasons, we will also briefly store your IP address used during registration.

You can delete your EUMOSA account and any data stored therein at any time. To do so, please send us an informal notice (e.g. via e-mail) to or use our contact form. Please note: Deletion of your account does not automatically extend to the order processes and the personal data stored for this purpose (cf. section 9: For how long will my data be stored?).

2.4 When you place an order with the EUMOSA online shop

We will collect data about the products you order or store on your wish list. We will also store data that accrue directly in connection with the execution of your orders. Order data include the following, in particular:

Information on the products ordered, such as item numbers and size

Email adress

Invoice and delivery address

Payment data

Information on payment behavior and creditworthiness data that we may receive from credit agencies about you

Details on returns and complaints (e.g. reasons for return, notice of defects)

Order numbers

Shippers' tracking numbers (e.g. DHL International)

Even if you place several orders as a guest and use identical master data, our systems will keep your data in a uniform customer data record to facilitate maintenance of our customer database. If you use such master data at a later point in time to register for a EUMOSA account we can link your customer data record to your account to enable you to access your former orders.

2.5 When you participate in polls, sweepstakes, or promotions

We will collect the data you provide when participating in polls, sweepstakes, or promotions.

For example, every now and then we will conduct polls to find out how our customers use our offers and how satisfied our customers are with our processing of returns or our customer service.

When conducting sweepstakes, we use your contact details for winner notifications and possibly to prevent repeat participation. 

For detailed information, please refer to the separate data privacy notices for the respective poll, sweepstakes, or promotion.

2.6 When you contact us

We will collect the communication data that accrues when you contact us via a contact form on our website, via email, by telephone, or other means. Depending on the channel you use, this may comprise for example your contact details (e.g. your email address or phone number) and the contents of your message. Telephone conversations with EUMOSA customer service will be recorded only with your express consent (e.g. for training and quality management purposes).

We will also use the offers provided by social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter to interact with our customers. Please note that EUMOSA has no influence on the social networks' terms of service or their data processing practices. So please make sure to carefully check the personal information that you provide us with through social networks.

2.7 When you sign up for the EUMOSA newsletter

If you have signed up for the EUMOSA newsletter, we will store your data that you have provided to this end for the purpose of compiling and mailing the newsletters.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Data protection and privacy notices for the EUMOSA Newsletter..

3. For which purposes will by data by used by EUMOSA?

3.1 Provision of the EUMOSA online shop

When visiting the EUMOSA online shop websites, we will process the access data, server log files, and cookies that accrue in this context to provide you with our website and the contents and functions called up by you and to ensure stability and safety for our IT systems and databases.

Legal basis:

The legal basis when using the EUMOSA online shop with your EUMOSA account is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (performance of a contract and taking of steps prior to entering into a contract).

The legal basis when using the EUMOSA online shop without registering is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (weighing of interests based on our above-mentioned legitimate interests).

The overriding legal basis if you have consented to data processing is your consent (Article 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR).

3.2 Contract performance, in particular purchasing process

We process your data in order to perform the contracts that we have concluded with you and to render the services you have requested. The purposes are based primarily on the specific contract contents or purpose of the services you have requested. You may find further details on the purposes of processing in the respective contract documents and terms and conditions, for example in our General Terms and Conditions. Examples include:

Set-up and provision of your account

Performance of purchase contracts

Performance of sweepstakes and promotions

Non-promotional communication with you (e.g. safety information and changes related to contracts)

Legal basis:

The legal basis for this type of data processing is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (performance of a contract and taking of steps prior to entering into a contract)

3.3 Personalization of the EUMOSA online shop

Information that we receive from you helps us to consistently improve your shopping experience and our service and to design it to be more customer-friendly and individual for you. The information transferred by you and automatically generated information (e. g. access, master, and order data, as well as search entries and wish list products) are therefore used to personalize the contents in the EUMOSA online shop based on your interests and needs derived therefrom. We can thus make it easier for you, for example, to find products that are relevant for you more quickly (we can, for example, show products in the search results first that match the products saved in your wish list or that match categories that you select particularly often).

We also use this information for individual product recommendations, to the extent that they are part of our personalized service offers (e. g. EUMOSA customer account, EUMOSA newsletter, and consultation services, for example in connection with the EUMOSA style guides and our Click&Collect) or subject of our advertisement directly addressed to you.

For example, we regularly send our existing customers e-mail advertisements comprising personalized offers within the scope permitted by law which we select based on your previous orders (unless you objected to this).

Legal basis:

The legal basis when using the EUMOSA online shop or another personalized service with your EUMOSA customer account is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (performance of a contract and taking of steps prior to entering into a contract).

When you use the EUMOSA online shop or another personalized service without logging in, the personalization is based on Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (weighing of interests based on our above-mentioned legitimate interest to provide you with personalized contents and product recommendations).

To the extent that the personalization is based on your consent, your consent constitutes the prevailing legal basis (Article 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR).

You do not want personalization?​

If you do not want us to use your master and order data for the personalization during your visit in the EUMOSA online shop, you can log out of your personal customer account at any time and use the EUMOSA online shop as a guest. Then, we will no longer consider the data from your EUMOSA customer account for the personalization. The personalization is then exclusively based on your access data, which we collect as part of the web analysis (section 5) during your visit.

If you do not want us to do this either, you can deactivate the personalization based on your access data at any time by deactivating the web analysis services mentioned in section 5.

You can also find detailed notes regarding your data protection rights and selection options in section 9 (Your data protection rights) and section 10 (Rights of withdrawal and objection).

3.4 Customer service and communication under existing customer relationships

We will process your data as part of our customer service. This will include the following, for example:

Processing of your concerns and requests by our EUMOSA customer service

Non-promotional communication with you (e.g. safety information and technical support)

Legal basis:

The legal basis for this type of data processing is Article 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (performance of a contract and taking of steps prior to entering into a contract)

3.5 Payment processing

Depending on the payment method agreed, the data necessary for payment processing (e.g. direct debit or credit card data) will be passed on to the respective payment service provider. Some of the payment service providers will collect such data on their own authority, in which case their respective privacy notices will apply. 

The transmission of your data to external payment service providers is based on Article 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR (contract performance).

Our payment service provider for payment by credit card is Computop Wirtschaftsinformatik GmbH, Schwarzenbergstr. 4, 96050 Bamberg.

Your card data will be stored in encrypted form by Computop on our behalf for a period of 36 months so that you do not have to enter your card data every time you place an order. The legal basis is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR based on our legitimate interest in facilitating your future purchases. For each credit card used by you, Computop will issue us an individual pseudo-card number for your stored credit card, which only includes the last three digits of your real credit card number. By indicating the three digits of your actual credit card number, this allows us to give you the option of paying with your last used credit card during the next payment process, without us storing your real credit card data or this having to be transferred to us again by Computop within the context of the payment process. Thus, you will only need to enter the security number, which is transferred to Computop. This approach increases the protection of your credit card data, which can remain secured by Computop throughout the entire process. This process fulfills the requirements of the payment card industry data security standards (PCI DSS provisions). If you choose to pay by this credit card, we will only transfer the pseudo-card number and the security code in encrypted form to Computop, whereby Computop will then identify which credit card number saved on the system is to be charged based on the pseudo-card number.

You want to object to your credit card data being stored?​

If you do not want your credit card data to be stored, you can object at any time by sending us an informal notice to the address or email address provided under section 1 above. In this case, you will have to re-enter your credit card details for each purchase.

Our payment service provider for payments via PayPal is PayPal (Europe) S.à.r.l. et Cie, S.C.A., 22-24 Boulevard Royal, L-2449 Luxembourg (“PayPal”).

Our credit card acquirer for payments by Visa and Mastercard is EVO Payments International GmbH, Elsa-Brandström-Str. 10-12, D-50668 Cologne.

3.6 Internal market research, optimization, and enhancement of our offer

We will use your access data and the data you provide (e.g. master data, order data, returns data) for internal statistical purposes and market research purposes. Prior to that we will pseudonymize or anonymize your data, for example by replacing your name and other data suitable for identification with random data.

That way we can learn, for example, which of our shop pages and products are particularly popular, which devices our customers use in general, and which regions our website is accessed from. This information helps us to continuously optimize our existing offer and to develop new functions and services.

Legal basis:

The legal basis for this type of data processing is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (weighing of interests based on our above-mentioned legitimate interests).

3.7 Processing for consented purposes

The overriding legal basis if you have consented to the processing of your data for specific purposes is your consent (Article 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR).

Withdrawal of consents

Article 7 para. 3 GDPR gives you the right to withdraw any consent once given at any time. This means that in future we will no longer continue data processing that was based on your consent. The withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

4. EUMOSA store finder (Google Maps)

Our website uses the “Store Finder” function of Google Maps provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). In order for the Google Maps material that we use to be integrated and displayed in your web browser, your web browser must establish a connection to a Google server, which may be also located in the U.S., when requesting the contact page. Google has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield in case that personal data is to be transmitted to the U.S. This way, Google will be informed that our website's contact page was called up from your device's IP address.

The Store Finder will also look for EUMOSA stores close to you based on location data and will show them on Google Maps. To this end, you can enter address data in the search field at will (country, ZIP code, place and/or street name). If you want to search only for stores in your current area you can also use the Store Finder's automatic positioning function by clicking the “Stores in your area” button. This way you will activate the “Geolocation” HTML5 function for automatic positioning that is supported by all common browsers. Before your browser can perform the positioning operation, you must expressly consent for data privacy reasons by clicking once again. Depending on the browser and device you use, your IP address, signals received from WLAN networks, and (especially when using a mobile device) GPS and radio signals will be used for subsequent positioning. The address data that you have entered in the Store Finder's search field or the location determined automatically by your browser will be transmitted to Google via an interface so that the EUMOSA stores found in your area can be shown on Google Maps.

The legal basis for this type of data processing is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR based on our legitimate interest in providing the above-described store finder functionality.

When accessing Google Maps on our website while logged into your Google account, Google may also link this event to your Google profile. If you do not want this event to be linked to your Google profile, you must log out of your Google account before using our store finder. Google will store your data and use it for advertising and market research purposes and to personalize Google Maps. You can object to such data being collected by Google. 

Further information in this context can be found in the Google Privacy Policy and in the Google Maps Additional Terms of Service.

5. Web analysis

5.1 Google Analytics

Our website uses the web analysis function “Google Analytics” provided by Google LLC, 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). Google Analytics uses cookies valid for a period of 14 months to collect your access data when visiting our website. Google combines the access data on our behalf into pseudonymous user profiles and transmits them to a Google server located in the U.S. after first anonymizing your IP address.  Therefore, we cannot determine which user profiles are associated with a specific user. This means that we can neither identify nor determine how you use our website based on the data collected by Google. Google has moreover submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield in case that personal data is to be transmitted to the U.S. in exceptional cases. Google has thus undertaken to guarantee the European data privacy principles and the present data privacy level also during data processing in the U.S. 

Google will use the information collected through cookies on our behalf to analyze use of our website, to compile reports on the website activities, and to provide other services relating to website use and Internet use for us. You may also find further information in the Google Analytics Privacy Policy.

You can object to such web analysis by Google at any time by using one of the following options: 

You can set your browser to block Google Analytics cookies.

You can adjust your Google ads settings in Google.

You can use an opt-out cookie by clicking here: Google Analytics Opt-out​

You can install the opt-out plugin provided by Google under in your Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Chrome browser (does not work for mobile devices).

The legal basis for this type of data processing is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (weighing of interests based on our legitimate interest in analyzing general usage behavior).

5.2 Adobe Analytics

We also use the web analysis service Adobe Analytics (Omniture) provided by Adobe Systems Software Ireland Limited, Ireland, 4–6 Riverwalk, Citywest Business Campus, Dublin 24, Ireland (“Adobe”). For this, Adobe uses cookies valid for a period of 14 months on our behalf to collect pseudonymous access data to enable us to analyze and regularly improve use of our website based on Adobe's reports. Your IP address is anonymized prior to any such analysis. Direct reference to a specific user is therefore excluded. Adobe has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield in case that personal data is to be transmitted to the U.S. in exceptional cases. 

You can object to such web analysis by Adobe at any time by clicking on the “Opt-out” buttons at

The legal basis for this type of data processing is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (weighing of interests based on our legitimate interest in analyzing general usage behavior).

5.3 Exactag

We use the analysis service of Exactag GmbH, Philosophenweg 17, 47051 Duisburg, Germany (“Exactag”). For this, Exactag uses cookies valid for a period of 6 months on our behalf to collect pseudonymous access data to enable us to analyze and regularly improve use of our website based on Exactag's reports. Your IP address is anonymized prior to any such analysis. Direct reference to a specific user is therefore excluded. 

You can object to such web analysis by Exactag at any time by clicking on the “object to the data processing” link at

The legal basis for this type of data processing is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (weighing of interests based on our legitimate interest in analyzing general usage behavior).

6. Online ads

We use various partner advertising networks in connection with the EUMOSA online shop in order to be able to present you with interesting ads, also on external websites. To this end, our EUMOSA online shop has integrated various technologies that allow for recognition (e.g. via a cookie set during a visit to the shop that is recognized later on). However, we do not at any time pass on data to our partners that would enable them to identify you directly. Our partners are not provided with names or contact details but only with specific identifiers that facilitate reconnecting. This enables us and our partners to present advertising that is based on our assessment of what you are interested in. This means that our partner network websites will present you with ads for products or product categories that you have viewed earlier in our shop or which we believe might be of interest to you. 

The legal basis for the data processing described  is Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR (weighing of interests based on our legitimate interest in an interest-based advertising of our products).

You can prevent such third-party cookies, which are used to implement the data processing described below, from being stored by setting your browser accordingly (as described in section 2.2). The following descriptions also include further options to object. Please note that we may cooperate (in cases temporarily) with partners that are not listed below.

6.1 Facebook

For marketing purposes, our websites use so-called conversion and retargeting tags (also referred to as “Facebook pixels”) of the social network Facebook, a service of Facebook Inc., 1601 Willow Road, Menlo Park, California 94025, USA (“Facebook”). We use Facebook pixels to analyze general use of our websites and the efficacy of Facebook ads (“conversion”). Moreover, we also use Facebook pixels to present you with customized ads based on your interest for our products (“retargeting”). To this end, Facebook processes data collected on our websites through cookies and similar technologies.

Facebook may send the data collected in this context for analysis to a server located in the U.S. where the data is then stored. Facebook has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield in case that personal data is to be transmitted to the U.S. 

If you have registered with Facebook and have set the Facebook account privacy settings accordingly, Facebook may moreover link the data collected about your visit on our website to your Facebook account and use it for setting up target-oriented Facebook ads. You can view and change the privacy settings of your Facebook profile at any time. If you do not have a Facebook account, you can prevent data processing by Facebook by clicking on the opt-out button referring to the provider “Facebook” on the external TrustArc Opt-out website. You can prevent data processing also by clicking on the following buttons. 

If you opt out of data processing by Facebook, Facebook will only display general Facebook ads that are not selected based on data gathered about you.

For more detailed information, please visit Facebook's Privacy Policy.

6.2 Google Adwords and Adwords remarketing

Our website uses the “AdWords conversion tracking” and “AdWords remarketing” services of Google. EUMOSA-defined customer actions (such as ad clicks, page views, downloads) are recorded and analyzed with “AdWords conversion tracking.” We use “AdWords remarketing” to present you with customized ads for our products on Google partner websites. Either service uses cookies and similar technologies to this end. Google may send the data collected in this context for analysis to a server located in the U.S. where the data is then stored. Google has submitted to the EU-US Privacy Shield in case that personal data is to be transmitted to the U.S.

If you have a Google account, Google may, depending on your Google account settings, link your web and app browser history to your Google account and use information from your Google account to customize ads. If you do not want this link to your Google account, you must log out of your Google account before accessing our website. 

You can opt out of processing of your personal data for customized online ads on the Google advertising network at any time by using one of the following options: 

You can adjust your Google ads settings at

You can install the free of charge opt-out plugin provided by Google under in your Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Chrome browser (does not work for browsers on mobile devices).

Moreover, you can also opt out of customized Google ads and ads provided by numerous other providers who participate in the “Your Online Choices” initiative on the central website at

Please note that if you opt out of customized advertising, Google will only display general ads that are not selected based on your collected access data.

7. With whom will my data be shared?

Basically, we will share your data only if:

you have expressly consented to this under Article 6 para. 1 lit. a GDPR,

sharing is necessary under Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR in order to assert, exercise, or defend legal claims, and there is no reason to assume that you have an overriding legitimate interest in your data not being shared,

sharing is necessary for compliance with a legal obligation in terms of Article 6 para. 1 lit. c or e GDPR, in particular if we are required to provide information to a public authority, or

sharing is permitted by law and necessary under Article 6 para. 1 lit. b GDPR in order to perform a contract with you or take steps at your request prior to entering into a contract.

Some of the data processing described herein may be performed by external service providers acting on our behalf. The service providers mentioned herein may include, in particular, computer centers storing and maintaining our website and databases, IT service providers servicing our systems as well as consulting companies.

If and insofar as we share data to our service providers, such data may be used only to perform their tasks and duties. Processing of your data by commissioned service providers will take place within the scope of order processing in terms of Article 28 GDPR. Service providers were carefully selected and commissioned by us. They are contractually bound by our instructions, have implemented adequate technical and organizational measures to protect the rights of the data subjects, and are subject to regular controls performed by us. 

If and insofar as your data is shared to a service provider located outside the European Economic Area (EEA), we will inform you separately thereof and of the specific guarantees on which the data transfer is based, if necessary. Please contact our data protection officer if you wish to receive copies of guarantees as proof of reasonable data protection (cf. section 1).

8. For how long will my data be stored?

Unless otherwise provided herein, your data will be stored only for as long as necessary to fulfill our contractual or statutory obligations or the purposes for which the data was originally collected or for as long as we have a legitimate interest in storing such data.

In all other cases your personal data will be deleted, except for such data that we must keep to comply with statutory retention periods. However, in such cases we will restrict data processing, i.e. your data will only be used to comply with statutory obligations.

If you decide to cancel or delete your EUMOSA account, all personal data stored therein will be deleted. If and insofar as your data cannot or does not have to be deleted completely for legal reasons, the data concerned will be restricted for further processing. Normally, your order and payment data and other data, if applicable, will be subject to statutory retention obligations, for example under the German Commercial Code and German Tax Code. We are hence obligated to retain such data for up to ten years.

Even if your data is not subject to statutory retention obligations, we may refrain from deleting your data in cases permitted by law and restrict its processing instead. This may apply, in particular, in those cases where the data concerned may be required for further contract processing or to assert rights or for legal defense purposes. The duration of restriction of processing will depend on the statutory limitation periods.

9. Your data protection rights

You may contact our data protection officer at any time to exercise your statutory data protection rights described hereinafter (cf. section 1):

You always have the right to obtain information about our processing of your personal data. When providing such information, we will explain our data processing process and provide you with an overview of your personal data we store.

If any of the data we store is incorrect or no longer current, you have the right to have such data rectified.

You can also demand that your data be erased. If erasure is not possible in exceptional cases due to other legal provisions, the data will be blocked such as to be available only for said statutory purpose.

You can also restrict the processing of your data, e.g. if you think that the data stored by us is not correct.

You have a right to data portability, i.e. we will provide you with a digital copy of the personal data you have provided, at your request.

You also have the right to lodge a complaint with a data protection supervisory authority. Our competent supervisory authority is Landesbeauftragte für Datenschutz und Informationsfreiheit Nordrhein-Westfalen, Kavalleriestraße 2-4, 40213 Düsseldorf, Germany.

10. Right of withdrawal and objection

If you wish to exercise your right of withdrawal or objection below, please send us an. informal notice to the contact addresses mentioned in section 1 above.

Withdrawal of consents​

Article 7 para. 3 GDPR gives you the right to withdraw any consent once given at any time. This means that in future we will no longer continue data processing that was based on your consent. The withdrawal of your consent will not affect the lawfulness of processing based on consent before its withdrawal.

Objection to the processing of your data​

If and insofar as we process your data based on legitimate interests pursuant to Article 6 para. 1 lit. f GDPR, you have the right under Article 21 GDPR to object to our processing of your data if there are reasons for this that follow from your particular situation or if the objection is directed against direct advertising. In the latter case, you have a general right of objection that will be complied with even if you fail to provide reasons.

11. Data security

We have adequate technical measures in place to ensure data security, in particular to protect your data against risks during data transmission as well as against unauthorized access by third parties. These measures will be adjusted from time to time in line with the state of the art. To secure the personal data you provide on our website we use transport layer security (TLS) which encrypts the data you provide.

12. Changes to this Data Protection and Privacy Policy

We will update this Data Protection and Privacy Policy occasionally, for example when we adjust our website or when the statutory or official provisions change. Material changes will be documented in this Data Protection and Privacy Policy, and we will procure our customers' consent, if necessary.

As of 25 May 2018

Data Protection Information for the EUMOSA Newsletter

Status: May 2018

1. Registration

When registering for the EUMOSA Newsletter, please provide the following mandatory information:

E-Mail adress


We require this information to send and personalize the EUMOSA Newsletter. If you have already provided this information when registering for the EUMOSA customer account, we may not have to request it again.

We also use any information provided voluntarily to personalize the EUMOSA Newsletter. If you provide us with your date of birth when registering for the newsletter or the EUMOSA customer account, you will receive a little birthday surprise as well. 

In the context of joint initiatives, you may also be able to register for the EUMOSA Newsletter through a campaign partner. In this case, we will receive your information from the partner through whom you register for the EUMOSA Newsletter.

To prevent any abuse of email addresses, we generally ask applicants to confirm their application by email in an automated process (double-opt-in process). Your registration and, if applicable, confirmation are recorded. For documentation purposes, we take note of the IP address used for this purpose as well.

2. Unsubscribe

You can unsubscribe from the EUMOSA Newsletter at any time.  To unsubscribe, you may use, for example, the unsubscribe link which is found in every EUMOSA Newsletter or the contact form.

3. Personalization

Every EUMOSA Newsletter is provided with a randomly assigned identifier. We use this identifier to determine whether and when a newsletter was opened and what links were clicked on. Based on this information, we form user profiles under a pseudonym. When you click on a link in the newsletter, we also merge this user profile on the basis of cookie technology with the pseudonymous user profiles that are generated when using the EUMOSA Online Shop (e.g., surfing and shopping behavior). We use this information in a pseudonymous form to uniformly personalize our newsletter and the EUMOSA Online Shop so that we can, for example, provide you with offers in the newsletter that match products you had previously searched for in the EUMOSA Online Shop. 

If you have a EUMOSA customer account or have purchased from us by using the same email address, we may directly use the data stored in connection with your EUMOSA customer account or the email address that was used (e.g., order information, the content of your wish list, the shopping cart) to improve the quality of the personalization. 

You do not want us to send you personalized offers?​

If you do not want us to use your data in the aforementioned manner for personalization purposes, you can unsubscribe from the EUMOSA Newsletter at any time. In such a case, we will delete the user profiles that were generated.  To unsubscribe, you may use, for example, the unsubscribe link which is found in every EUMOSA Newsletter or the contact form. 

4. Use of Newsletter Service Providers

We use technical service providers for the data processing described in this data protection information. If we have to transfer your data to a service provider for this purpose, this is done in the context of a data processing agreement performed in accordance with our instructions.

5. Legal Bases and Other Important Data Protection Information

The legal basis for the data processing described above is Article 6 para. 1 lit. a GDRP (consent).

You can find information about your data protection rights and other important notices in the general EUMOSA Data Protection and Privacy Policy, which applies as well.